Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Our last leg and the weather was horrible. In the Pennsylvania mountains we had snow, slush and wind. At least by the time we hit NY there was just rain and wind and cold. Maybe we cut our trip a bit too short. This was a Tuesday and by Friday we were playing golf. Plan on traveling west starting in mid-September. We visited so many friends and relatives on this trip south, but next year (except for Diane and Bill Robinson in Las Vegas) we won't have anyone to visit and a whole lot more miles to cover. Thanks for keeping up with our travels. Will start blogging again in the fall.

Another breakdown with the same symptoms as the last 2 times. This time the problem was loose ground wires. So with a 2 hour delay, we were on our way to southern Pennsylvania for our last night on our 5 month trip.

Left Virginia and had nice weather for the trip into Maryland and then.....