Wednesday, December 29, 2010

She's out..........

Linda got released about 4 PM tuesday afternoon after 8 days at JFK Memorial Hospital. We need to stay in the area for about two weeks for follow ups as her coumadin level is not yet high enough. Cancelled the move to Lake Havasu AZ on the 30th in favor of the Indio Elks #1643 for two weeks. They have 55 sites at their club. Thirteen campers showed up for the week-end today alone. The only down fall is their New Years Eve party is black tie. I didn't bring any ties! Ha-Ha. Dennis, the RV overseer says we party outside too. Therefore I picked up 36 pack Coors for $21.97. Happy New Year to all.

Monday, December 27, 2010

There's a pause in our blog

I've (Linda) been in the hospital since December 21st. Wanted to at least put something on the blog so our followers know why there haven't been any updates. I had rather severe pain and went to the emergency room. Ended up to be a blood clot in my lung. As early as last Wednesday (the day after I was admitted) I have felt fine. But the medication isn't making it to the required levels so I have to stay here. Hopefully, can leave the hospital tomorrow as they are increasing dosages of all medications. We cancelled our next stopover in western Arizona in order to stay here in the Palm Springs valley for another 2 weeks. All RV campgrounds are mostly full. But Keith found an Elks Club with 54 sites who will save us a spot starting the day after tomorrow. Not easy to find open spots at this time of the year as all the snowbirds (many, many Canadians) start coming down in groves. I suppose it could be worse, as the weather here has been in the low 70's and later this week, the mid 60's. Keith has been couped up in here keeping me company. Not sure what he had for Christmas dinner, but I'm certain it wasn't very special. Guess we don't have to worry about gaining weight over the holidays! Hope to get back on track pretty soon, but not too soon as the southeastern weather doesn't look that great!

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Milton James Becker

We all lost a "great friend" today. Not only was Jim a husband, father, grandfather of the Becker family, he was a leader in our bowling world in Cortland. Many a great times were had at 281 Bowl, Moose Clubs, Elks Clubs and a few ABC tournaments. We don't want to forget Moravia Golf Course and the Tri Alley thursday night league. Jim is seen here over seeing the 2009 Labor Day weekend festivities at Becker's Campground Resort. Let us all remember the great times. RIP

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Free Miniature golf at Desert Pool

No complaints about Walden Oaks CC greens after putting on this course. Even used our own putters the second time with no help. Always something going on each day.

Desert Pool activities

Last week we spent a week at Desert Pools RV Resort and pickle ball and water volley ball seem to be the big activities. Basketball and shuffleboard courts are shown here too. There is 287 sites in this park.

Damn Weather!!!

Sorry we havn't been blogging but blame the "damn" weather here. Pool time, cards, dinners with the old folks. Moved back to Catalina Spa & RV Resort Monday from Desert Pools, which was around the corner, for two more weeks in the valley. Hope the weather gets better ..... for you of course.