Sunday, February 26, 2012

Carrie Ingrahm

We took a side trip with Ruth Phelps to visit Carrie, an old bowling/golf friend from Cortland. As you can see, she is in great spirits and very active. Active, she showed us pictures of her sky diving trip at age 83. Wow!!

Pool Party???

Around the pool at Sweetwater Resort, we have Robin Canale, Ruth Phelps, Sammi Bernardo, the back of Rick Canale talking to Marcus and Mario in the pool. The bottom one is what a golf pro looks like with a golf hat on! Robin, Rick, and Ruth all flew in for a few days to escape the weather in Cortland.


Peace and quiet is over as the Bernardo's [Marcus, Cathi, Sam & Mario] arrive into town for two weeks. Good to see them away from Walden Oaks Country Club to really relax and have fun.

How time flies....

Two weeks up and back to Kissimmee and the last timeshare stay. The photos are of the Polynesian Isles Resort and the view from the room.


Just some of the news friends that come around the RV to say Hi.

Syracuse basketball

Linda's dressed with a Syracuse shirt and trying to relax at Bee's RV resort in Clarmont, Fl prior to another nerve racking game thanks to Direct TV. Here for two weeks and Linda won the fourth quarter Super bowl board.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kenizie's Restaurant & Pro Shop

Very nice restaurant/bar setup with the "full" priced pro shop. Bag boys and starter all dress in knickers. You can also enjoy a four day/three night stay here with our referral for only $69.00 per couple. Let us know.

MARCUS-------H E L P

Top picture is from the red tees. Of course, you don't aim at the bunkers but when you do, call for your local PGA Pro. Marcussssssssss

Mystic Dunes Resort & Golf

Home this week is at another timeshare in Kissimmee FL. One shot is looking out our the sliding door at #17. The other is playing into the green.

More new snowbirds---

Met up with Nelda and Phil Gage at CiCi's for the usual catching up. Phil retired from Monarch Machine a week later than we did and Nelda from the McGraw school system. Now the Gages' are spliting their time in Haines City for winter and McGraw for the summer. The cinnamon buns are still great!

The new kids......

Forgot to post our new travelling companions that we picked up in our travels. "King" is on the left that was selected in Kingsland, GA and "Dale" is on the right that was picked by Kelley in Ft Lauderdale, FL. Great to travel with. No letting out, no feeding, no walking in the morning and no noise!