Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Back home again....

Arrived home tuesday afternoon, April 9th from Destin Florida in a slow five days of driving. Had a great time of sunshine warm weather for most of the time. Met many new friends as well as alot of friends and family visiting during the winter. So where is the good weather???? I know, this is CNY, July is coming

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thought we ought to put something on the blog for our faithful viewers. Our older computer (the one we always used to do the blog) died. We are unable to get to our pictures with our newer computer. Don't know why. So no more pictures at this point. We are spending a week with son Brian, Jess and Kolbe on the gulf coast in Destin, FL. We leave to head home tomorrow, April 5th so our 2012-2013 winter trip will end. Hopefully we will be able to fix the picture problem by the fall and our next trip south. Thanks for being our follower.