Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas South...

  Welcome to the vacationing Park family ...Jane, Randy and Amanda, current short term home.
We enjoyed a great Christmas Eve ham dinner with Randy's parents "Big Daddy" Doug and Barbara Park.
                                 Christmas day dinner was a twenty pound turkey.
                                      We were all stuffed but not all "full." "er."
                     We found out there are less cans used when they're pounders!

A Christmas visit to...

... the remaking of Downtown Disney. Wait a year to visit "downtown" as it is being "re-imaging."
We had to park across the main highway and walk as the parking lots are torn up too. Maybe next year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Many hands sometimes doesn't help make light work...

 Brian and Kelly in helping clean up...
 ... until someone or something falls on the floor..
... and then we just sweep it under the rug...
...and then back away..
...and disappear to the bar.

It's party time...

Kelly and father Jim are relaxing before the guests arrive.
Gloria telling the "kids", Brian & Kelly, to behave themselves tonight.
 This evening waiter, Brian, waiting for a tip.
Disregard the two [Jim & Brian] in the background as was getting late in the evening.

Christmas Party....

 Welcome to the Aylesworth's of Ocala, FL. Jim & Gloria, formerly of central New York, held their neighborhood Christmas Party this past week-end. Our son, Brian and Jim & Gloria's daughter Kelly, flew in for the week-end.

 The house was beautifully decorated by Gloria as seen in the following pictures.

No, son Brian did not decorate the bar but we did help empty it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Timeshare time...

Moved on down to Orlando for eighteen days at the Grand Villas Resort. The pool picture is from our third floor balcony. First week was a warm 80's but cooling down this week to the mid 60's. Still beats those Noreasters and us yankees can still wear shorts and sandles.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Go Giants......

 We or some of us "Giants" were welcomed at the lunch by four cute Jaguar cheerleaders. Yes, only two shown here in this picture.
 The National Anthem prior to the game shown on one of jumbo screens.

 The coin toss was the only thing won at the end of this game by big Blue.
A "happy" half time for us with the lead. No need to post any more as you Giant fans know, it went down hill from here. The day was beautiful and the Bud lite was cold. Maybe next week??????????